Fife Club - Episode 47 - Flags - B&Q Kerfuffle - Bad Clubs - Desert Island Dicks - OSCAR SPECIAL

This week the Fife friends Recap on how they made it to the big time when Stephens Bakers gave them a compliment after last weeks Drive Thru Special.

They then Discuss the trouble with Newspapers and Flags, a typical Fife incident at the Dunfermline branch of B&Q and Chat a bit about the Financial times report on the awful goings on at the  Presidents Club's “charity gala”. 

Then to brighting things up a bit we head of on out for a bit of a boat trip, on our hovercraft this time, only to end up shipwrecked on the Desert Island of Dicks. 

This week we discuss which Oscar Nominee/winner/snub we would bring to the island. 

Who do we bring and why? 

Come on in and have a listen in the player below to find out.

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