Fife Club - Episode 38 - Lazarus' Comeback - Local News - Fantasy Fight Club

This week the Fife friends Welcome back ex host and the world's best Wickerman Builder, Beattie, to the Club.  

We chat about Twitter losing its nuance and brevity, Beattie stokes his Beef with Dave, some devastating local news and some positive local news. 

Mags tells us farcical tales of the Parliment and the we go to the Nonanagon. 

It's Fantasy Fight Club Week and we have a show for you. 

Priti Patel v Boris Johnson, Harvey Weinstein v Kevin Spacey, H.M. The Queen v Gary Barlow and Philip Schofield V Andy Peters.  

Who wins? 

Come on in, have a listen and find out in the player below or as Fife Club on iTunes and your favourite podcast app. You can also get us on YouTube too in the player below!
